Monday, September 22, 2008


7. My dog ate my homework, or I guess, rather, my blog post.

Well, actually, I don't have a dog. But I do have a cat and a rooster. Technically speaking, he's not my rooster. I'm not sure who he belongs to, but he does live in the parking lot of my building and sometimes hangs out by the front of my car.

My cat is another story. She is mine and as big as a small dog. If she had an affinity for eating paper she could put away my homework and yours too. Her name is Sagwa, named after the children's cartoon, thanks to my neice and nephew. Her favorite activites include sleeping on her blanket, eating, pushing Beckie and I off the couch, chasing Beckie's cat Max through the house, and sprawling in a very unladylike fashion in the middle of the livingroom floor.

This has nothing to do with why I haven't posted to my blog this summer, except that it's an example of the kind of tangents that often distract me from the task at hand.

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