Saturday, November 21, 2009


del-uge: [del-yooj, -yoozh, del-ooj, -oozh, di-looj, -loozh] noun, verb, -uged, -uging.

1. a great flood of water; inundation; flood.
2. a drenching rain; downpour.
3. anything that overwhelms like a flood: a deluge of mail.
4. the Deluge. flood (def. 3).

–verb (used with object)
5. to flood; inundate.
6. to overrun; overwhelm: She was deluged with congratulatory letters.

Synonyms:1. See flood. 3. cataclysm, catastrophe.

I sat through 3 quarters of a high school football game last night . . . in the middle of a deluge. To say the least, I was cold and wet.

And, the team I was rooting for didn't win.

On the positive side, rain is beautiful falling through the lights of a football stadium and this kid on the other team was amazing. Check out this footage of him scoring a touchdown:

Play of the day: Grant's Kenneth Acker's amazing punt return touchdown

Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Moon

Dear New Moon naysayers:

I'm 36 and love the Twilight saga.

Get over it.

Love, Angela.